What is the Realtor® difference?

Realtor Difference is going under contract sooner than expected

What is the Realtor® difference? Going under contract sooner than expected.

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    What is the Realtor® Difference? Going under contract sooner than expected. But before the contract is signed it’s…

    📌Receive and review all Offer to Purchase contracts submitted by buyers or buyers’ agents

    📌Evaluate offers and counsel seller on offers

    📌Contact buyers’ agents to review buyer’s qualifications and discuss offer

    📌Send Seller’s Disclosure to buyer’s agent or buyer upon request

    📌Confirm buyer is pre-qualified

    📌Negotiate all offers on seller’s behalf, setting time limit for loan approval and closing date

    📌Prepare and convey any counteroffers, acceptance or amendments to buyer’s agent

    📌Send copies of contract and all addendums to closing attorney or title company And so much more. That’s the Realtor® Difference.

    (Personalize: Contact me for more information)