An agent who is a Realtor® is worth every penny
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You’re aware your REALTOR® makes appointments and send seller a written or email confirmation of listing appointment and confirming. But are you aware of other Pre-Listing Activities?
A REALTOR® also:
- Researches sales activity from Local MLS Broker Marketplaces and public records databases
- Researches Average Days on Market for property of this type, price range, and location
- Prepares preliminary Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) to establish fair market value
- Researches property’s land use coding and deed restrictions
- Performs exterior Curb Appeal Assessment of subject property
- Confirms current public schools and explain impact of schools on market value
- Reviews Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act (OPRA) Report from Township for all permitted records
And many more activities, all before the listing is out there.
Sourced from: National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), document source: 179-ways-agents-who-are-realtors-are-worth-every-penny